Since March 2020 Norway, like the rest of the world, has been in a state of emergency because of Covid19, something which has had a major impact on this year’s BCC-conferences and BUK-camps. For 2021 the planed allocation plan is still relevant for the summer as previous announced. We will keep you updated with information about changes.
The two conferences in July and August are the same when it comes to content and length. The amount of participants will be relatively the same and the avaliable offers therefore also the same.
The program is designed in a way to increase the total experience for the participants, at the same time as securing sustainable finances for the event. In practice this means that the conference program which contain various packages where food and drinks are included.
Allocation Plan for 2021
The image shows which churches have been given which conference. We encourage you to sign up for the same conference as your local church.
The plan for 2022 is: