Events in 2024  »  Feast Weekend 2024  »  Program Elements

Welcome and Harvest Market

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The Feast Weekend starts with an atmospheric welcome at the Festival Square. Here you can visit the Harvest Market, which offers free hot drinks, fresh sausages and tasty sausages straight from the grill. Enjoy yourself in pleasant company and with live music.
Otherwise, at the Harvest Market, there are various sales stalls where you can buy apple cider, knitwear, and other exciting things. 
Target group: Everyone
Location: The Festival Square
Time: Friday 4 October, at 15:00

Concert with Kåre's Favorites

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On Friday evening, you can look forward to a unique concert experience, where we get to know Kåre J. Smith better through his life periods and everyday relationships. 
To ensure space for all participants, everyone born in 1992-2004 will be able to watch the concert from the Multi Hall. Everyone born in 1991 and earlier can watch the concert from the Plenary Hall. For couples, the age of the oldest applies.
Target group: Everyone
Location: The Plenary Hall / Multi Hall
Time: Friday 4 October, at 18:00

Autumn Feast with a Traditional Norwegian Meal

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After the concert, the evening continues with a lively autumn feast in Hagebyen, where a traditional Norwegian meal is on the menu. The friends will be divided into different zones, and here there will be good food, live music and fellowship.
The evening will take place outdoors, so dress warmly.
Target group: Everyone
Location: Hagebyen and the beach area
Time: Friday 4 October, at 20:15

Brunstad Tour

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Take your friends on the Brunstad Tour, a refreshing walk in the local area. 
By scanning QR codes that are spread out in the area around Brunstad, you can experience exciting stories and events that have taken place here.
Target group: Everyone
Location: The entire area
Time: All weekend

Maritime Lunch

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On Saturday morning, the stage is set for a maritime experience through a tasty seafood meal down on the beach zone. Here you can enjoy the sea's festive table, with lovely tones from our musicians.

To ensure a pleasant experience for everyone, the participants are divided into two groups.

PS: Are you not fond of seafood? Don't worry, we have another option for you.
Target group: Everyone
Location: Beach zone
Time: Saturday 5 October
• Group 1: at 11:00 – 12:30
• Group 2: at 13:30 – 15:00

Celebration of Kåre J. Smith 80 years

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The celebration will be a highlight this weekend. This will be a memorable feast with song, film and music, which gives an insight into Kåre J. Smith's life and service. 
Target group: Everyone
Location: Multi Hall
Time: Saturday 5 October, at 17:00

Room for parents and children

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Rooms for parents and children are an offer for parents with smaller children, with play corners and seating for adults. The area will be open all weekend during the centre's opening hours. 
Target group: Parents with young children
       • Meeting room Melsomvik in Konferansesenter nord
       • Meeting room Kjerringvik in Conference Center South
       • 3rd floor in Oslofjord Arena
Time: All weekend